Cyber Threat Report: 'People's Republic of China-Linked Cyber Actors Hide in Router Firmware'

Report Author CISA
Publication Date 2023-09-27
Original Reporting Source
Attributed to Nation China
Related Intrusion Sets BlackTech
Victim Sectors Technology, Telecommunications, Defense, National Government

This Cybersecurity Advisory from CISA and partners details activities of the People's Republic of China (PRC)-linked cyber actors known as BlackTech. According to the advisory, BlackTech has targeted multiple sectors including government, industrial, technology, media, electronics, and telecommunication in the U.S. and Japan. The group uses custom malware, dual-use tools, and 'living off the land' tactics to modify router firmware and exploit domain-trust relationships for pivoting within networks. The advisory outlines TTPs and IoCs and provides recommended mitigations to detect and protect organizations against the threat from BlackTech actors.

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Mitigations to defend against the techniques in this report

Identified MITRE ATT&CK Techniques

ATT&CK ID Title Associated Tactics
T1601.001 Patch System Image Defense Evasion
T1199 Trusted Relationship Initial Access
T1021.004 SSH Lateral Movement
T1071.002 File Transfer Protocols Command and Control
T1542.004 ROMMONkit Defense Evasion, Persistence
T1021.001 Remote Desktop Protocol Lateral Movement
T1588.003 Code Signing Certificates Resource Development
T1090 Proxy Command and Control
T1562 Impair Defenses Defense Evasion
T1562.003 Impair Command History Logging Defense Evasion
T1112 Modify Registry Defense Evasion
T1205 Traffic Signaling Command and Control, Defense Evasion, Persistence