Cyber Threat Report: 'Winter Vivern: Uncovering a Wave of Global Espionage'

Report Author SentinelLabs
Publication Date 2023-03-16
Original Reporting Source
Attributed to Nation Belarus, Russia
Related Intrusion Sets UAC-0114 , Winter Vivern
Victim Sectors Telecommunications, National Government

SentinelLabs conducted an investigation into the Winter Vivern Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) group, in part leveraging observations made by The Polish CBZC and Ukraine CERT. The APT has targeted a variety of government organizations, and in a rare instance, a private telecommunication organization. The activity led to the deployment of custom loaders and malicious documents, which enabled unauthorized access to sensitive systems and information. SentinelLabs researchers describe the APT as a resource-limited but highly creative group.

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