
Actor Type Nation State
Attributed to Nation China
Directly Linked Intrusion Sets Earth Estries , Salt Typhoon , FamousSparrow , Operator Panda

GhostEmperor is an advanced attacker originally identified by researchers from Kaspersky in 2021. The group has been observed using advanced malware such as a Windows kernel mode rootkit (Demodex) and sophisticated multi-stage framework for remote access.

GhostEmperor has been observed targeting government and telecommunications entities in South East Asia and beyond.

Kaspersky attribute the group as a Chinese-speaking threat actor.

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GhostEmperor Threat Reports


GhostEmperor: From ProxyLogon to kernel mode

Public APT reporting from Kaspersky which outlines the GhostEmperor threat actor, including details of victimology and tooling. GhostEmperor is a ...
