Capita Cyber Incident - 2023

Incident Impacts Business Disruption, Data Theft
Affected Sector Technology, Public Services, Regional Govenment, National Government
Associated Intrusion Sets Black Basta Ransomware Group
Estimated Cost (USD) 32200000

According to a public statement by Capita, attackers gained initial access to systems around 22nd March 2023 and were discovered by Capita on 31st March. The incident primarily impacted access to Microsoft 365 applications and affected around 4% of Capita's server estate. It was also reported that data was exfiltrated including data belonging to customers. In their preliminary Financial Results, the business stated net costs of the cyber attack at £25 million.

Public reporting suggested that the Black Basta ransomware group was behind the attack and posted evidence of specific leaked data from Capita on their data leak website.

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